ERSA (Enviromental Reachback for Situational Awareness) is a device to provide wireless connectivity to CBRNE sensors that may or may not have existing wireless options. The sensor readings from the sensors are relayed through a LoRA network to a gateway where they can be viewed in real-time.
Technical Details
ERSA consisted of an STM32F processor with a Semtech LoRA radio module. ERSA has a configurable sensor connection port to allow the sensors to be connected by UART (TTL), UART (RS232), USB (ERSA appears as a usb drive for logging), IRDA, and Bluetooth. ERSA is running FreeRTOS.
The gateway is an Embedded Linux device with an MQTT server to allow external devices to recieve the readings. There is a web server with offline maps to allow responders to view the readings at an incident site without the need for internet connectivity.